Friday, 25 October 2013


The Group are due to hold their AGM on the 29th October at the Aberlour Centre Stranraer  to reconfirm their Committee and annual  report

Indian Head Massage .4 volunteers have confirmed they are up taking Training to enable to Facilitate with their service users attending SHAWL.

Intergenerational work

BHC area Action Plan Day identified a need for the partnership to be involved in promoting intergenerational work.  A working sub group has been identified and an initial meeting has taken place involving:

BHC West Wigtownshire
Community Learning and Development
Stranraer Drama Society
Access Arts
Write Connections

Due to Capacity  issues, SHAWL (holistic Group) have been looking at new premises to deliver their services and have been offered new premises at Park Children’s Service Centre. The Group were invited to have a look and they then agreed to move there and will commence their services on the  29th October 2013.