Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Furniture Craft Group (Pilot project)

With economic struggles and changes to welfare reforms in our community, financial hardship and cost of living is a difficult experience for  us all ,cost of new furniture is an expensive commodity that becomes a burden to family budgets
Why not learn some new skills in furniture craft ,renovating your old furniture and give it a new life ?

Building Healthy Communities  (west wigtownshire) will be running a six week workshop late May early June 2015 ,delivered by a trained facilitator experienced in this form of Craft Work .

Above are some examples of the facilitators previous works

If you are experiencing finacial hardship , this would be an opportunity to learn some new and exciting skills to use in your own home

                                                  Limited spaces available  so book now !

                                                                      Interested ?     

                                                                Murdo Macleod
                                                      Building Healthy Communities
                                                                 Dalrymple Street
                                                             Tel 01776700632
                                                            Email :                

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