Dumfries and Galloway Participatory Appraisal Network ( DGPAN ) is providing training for anyone with a remit or interest in engaging with local people to find out views and Ideas The Network is keen for people from local communities to become PA Practitioners
What is Participatory Appraisal?
- A method of conducting action research
- A tool kit of approaches and methods that can be used to engage and help local people and communities to work together, find out about what people feel about there communities and develop potential solutions.
- Allows people to contribute in a way they are comfortable and to a level and extent they choose
- It is involving and enjoyable with immediate feedback
What does it do ?
- Identifies and captures the diversity of local perceptions and needs
- Encourages individuals and communities to share and analyse views on issues within their community ,Most of which influences services and local decision making
Training been offered - Free for participants based on the following requirements:
To attend the training in full - this involves 3 days ( Mon24th, Tue 25th and final day 28th April)
Wed 26th & Thurs 27th April are allocated for delegated groups attending training, to organise a suitable time to meet and carry out a short local PA community exercise together as a team to experience using the tools and skills trained in, and reflect back their experience and learning from the exercise on the last day of training 28th April 2017
To obtain agreement from your line management /and or Volunteer Organisation to attend PA training ,and be an active member of the Network , this will involve attending regular Network meetings and carrying out at least one piece of PA work for the Network per year .
For further information for this training contact- Murdo Macleod :Email
Tel : 01776700632
For further information about the DGPAN network please contact PA Coordinator Karen Lewis
Tel 01387269161
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